Thinkhart with GISE


4 May 2018 – Advice Pharma participates in the Thinkhart with GISE event.

The third edition of ThinkHeart with GISE will take place on May 4, 2018 at the Auditorium Via Veneto in Rome. It will be a limited number event, during which will be presented a preview of the data of diagnostic and interventional cardiology activities 2017 and the main barriers of access in Italy, compared to other European countries, to therapies of proven effectiveness in terms of mortality and morbidity, innovative medical technologies or still not widespread in the Italian context.

The aim of ThinkHeart 2018 is to identify, thanks to institutional and professional stakeholders, scientific societies and research bodies, governance processes and a shared agenda that can ensure appropriate access to innovative technologies in Italy. A summary document, a roadmap, representing the commitment of all the experts involved in the implementation of the actions identified, will then be shared.

AdvicePharma is an Italian company that develops services and technologies for data and information management in the medical-scientific field. The company mission is to develop and provide quality services through the selection of the best technological and professional resources.

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Advice Pharma Group Srl is a UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 certified company for the provision of services for third parties for design, development and testing of standalone software medical devices intended for monitoring, diagnosis and therapy.

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